muskmelon juice

Musk melon juice or Kharbuja juice used to be often made in the summer.      I made the musk melon juice on a day which was hot and humid. We have been having these types of days too.

  Muskmelon Juice

Prep Time  5 mins

Course: Starter
Cuisine: Indian
Servings: 2

·     2 Cups MuskMelon
·     1 Cup cold milk
·     5 tablespoons sugar

Steps for making  Muskmelon Juice :
·       Take MuskMelon fruit cut and remove the seeds from the fruits. Separate the juice from the seeds as shown below.           

·  Now cut the MuskMelon into small pieces as shown in the figure.

·  Transfer the MuskMelon pieces into mixer blender   

·         Add leftover juice into the jar.

·         Add five tablespoons of sugar into the jar.

·        Add little milk into the jar and blend it.


   Add remaining milk into the jar and blend it

·         Now transfer the muskmelon from the jar into a glass.

   ·      Muskmelon juice is ready.

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