Veg Manchurian

                        Veg Manchurian

Prep Time 20 mins
Cook Time 10 mins




  • 2  Cups Cabbage finely chopped
  • 2   Onions
  • 4   Chilli
  • 1   Cup Corn Flour
  • 2   Spoons Maida
  • 1   Spoon red chilli powder
  • finely chop some curry leaves
  • Coriander Leaves 
  • Salt to taste

Ingredients (Tomato Sauce)

  • 250 gm Tomato's
  • 4 spoons sugar
  • 1 spoon salt
  • 2 spoons red chilli powder

Steps for making Tomato Sauce :

  • Cut one tomato into 4 pieces and put some water in pressure and tomato's. after 3 visel sounds, take tomato's and cool them.
  • After cooling the tomato's add them to mixi and make tomato puree.
  • Take pan and the pour tomato puree and stir it for 3 mins and then add sugar, salt and red chilli powder. stir continuously till the puree becomes in consistency state. 
  • Once the puree becomes consistent off the gas and cool it down.

Steps for veg Manchurian:

  • In a bowl, take 2  Cups Cabbage finely chopped,  add 1 cup corn  Flour, add 2 spoons of  Maida, salt for taste and add red chilli powder. Mix all ingredients wells and then make small rolls. 
  • Take a bowl add Oil to de-fry 
  • Add the veg rolls in oil and make a fry up-to 10min
  • Take the veg rolls out and cool it down
  • Take a bowl add 4 spoons of oil and add finely chopped onions ,green chilli , curry leaves and coriander leaves.
  • Stir until we get light golden brown colour add  tomato sauce and stir it for 2 mins and then finally add veg rolls and mix well.

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